Academic Writing
Works in progress:
"The Magic Wand: Critical Analysis of Henri Lefebvre’s Concept of Isorhythmia." under review
“'There’s No Place Like Home': Locating the Proverb in the Material Fantasy of The Wizard of Oz.” Draft.
“Istanbul Rhythms: A Comparison of Orhan Pamuk’s Istanbul: Memories and the City and The Museum of Innocence.” Draft.
“Of Shite and Diamonds: Uncommon Materials and Technologies of Early 18th Century Short Literature in Hurlo Thrumbo’s miscellany, The Merry Thought.” (Encyclopedia Article 2023/Presenting at conference fall 2024).
"Weaving the Blur: A Comparison of Literary Rhythms in Richard Wright’s Native Son and Ahmet Tanpinar’s A Mind at Peace." Draft.
"Avant Garde Cliques and Clashes: Comparing Turkey's New Left and Germany's Group 47." Draft.
Recent Publications
"A Literary Landscape of Istanbul, Türkiye: Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Criticism." Configurations (Johns Hopkins University Press) 32 (4), 2024: 351-373 [AHCI].
“A Poetic Geography: Placing Urban Literature in Two Districts of Istanbul, Türkiye.” Textual Practice: Journal of Radical Literary Studies, 2024 [SSCI: Q1].
“Let the Bodies Hit the Floor: A Comparison of Corporal Morphology in Buchner’s Lenz (1836) and Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818).” Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 51 (June 2024), pp 24-36. [ESCI]
“‘A Dog’s Revenge’ Comparative Viability of an Early Modern Verbal, Pictorial, and Dramatic Proverb”. KARE, 17 (June 2024), pp. 45-58.
“Istanbul Street Rhythms: A Field Guide to Short Expressive Ensembles.” Space and Culture. 1 (1) 2023: 1-16 [AHCI]. doi:10.1177/12063312231155354.
"Teaching Short Genres: Experimenting with Mobile Annotations Outside the Classroom," in Kelley Walters (ed.), Dynamic Curriculum Development and Design Strategies for Effective Online Learning in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. September, 2023, pp.113-136.
"Locating the Hand and Touch in Sixteenth Century Surgical Writings of Ambrose Paré and Hans von Gersdorff." Mersin University Journal of History of Medicine and Folklore. Submitted, Sept, 2023.
“Aphorism”. The Literary Encyclopedia. WORLD HISTORY AND IDEAS: A CROSS-CULTURAL VOLUME. Cristina Sandru & Robert Clark, eds. 2023.
“The Merry Thought, Vols. 1-4, (1729-)”. In Paul Baines, Daniel Cook, Pat Rogers, Nicholas Seager (eds.). The Literary Encyclopedia. Vol. English Writing and Culture from the Glorious Revolution to the French Revolution, 1689-1789.September, 2023.
“Allegory”. The Literary Encyclopedia. WORLD HISTORY AND IDEAS: A CROSS-CULTURAL VOLUME. Cristina Sandru & Robert Clark, eds. July 14, 2023.
“Esther Inglis”. The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume English Writing and Culture: Renaissance (Elizabethan and Jacobean periods), 1485-1625. J. A. Roe, Cristina Sandru & Robert Clark, eds. July 19, 2023.
“Geoffrey Whitney (1548-1601)”. The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume English Writing and Culture: Renaissance (Elizabethan and Jacobean periods), 1485-1625. J. A. Roe, Cristina Sandru & Robert Clark, eds. July 19, 2023.
“Contours of the Soul: Transforming the Containers of the Soul into Ventricles of the Brain in 16th Century Europe.” Boxes: A Field Guide. Manchester: Mattering Press, 2020, 55-73.
“From the Library to the Lab: Close Reading Rabbits as a Cross-Disciplinary Experiment” in Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. 2019 (41): 1-23. doi:10.26650/sdsl2019-0014 [ESCI]
“From Hot Irons to fMRI Machines: On Truth and Lies in a Non-Cerebral Sense,” Metafor. Bogazici University. 2019: 5, 63-83.
Performing the Sixteenth-Century Brain: Beyond Word and Image Inscriptions. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2018. Link