Quizam 1



  1. The first quizam will cover weeks 1 through 5. You should be familiar with the following:
    • central concepts
    • theoretical texts
    • literary texts
    • website
    • lectures
  2. The quizam will take place online on Thursday, Nov. 1st from 17-18:30.
  3. It should take 1 hour (60 min). There are three questions: 20 minutes each. You will have 1.5 hours (90 min) in case there are technical issues.
  4. You may use your notes, books, and the internet. HOWEVER, since the quizam is timed, you will not have time to look everything up. Be prepared.
  5. Plagairism will not be accepted. Everything you put in the form needs to be your own thoughts represented in your own words. This includes your classmates (if I receive the same answers from two students, both students will receive a 0).


  1. Like your reflection essays, you may submit your answers directly into the form submission box. Compose and SAVE your document elsewhere IMMEDIATELY and REGULARLY so as not to lose any information. When you are ready to submit, cut and paste your answers into the form fox.
  2. OR: You may upload the word/.pdf document rather than cut and paste to the form. This will require 3 separate documents, one for each question.
  3. OR: You may write your answers by hand and submit an image of the answers. The form will only accept one file per answer, which means you can only write one page (Unless you have the ability to combine files into a .pdf, but that should not be necessary).
  4. If you are writing by hand, you should have paper and pen/pencil available and the ability to take an image and upload it. Be sure your answers are legible.

Technical Requirements:

  • The form works best with Chrome browers, but will also work with Firefox and Safari.
  • You will need both audio and video capabilities to take the quizam. You may use a mobile phone, but I suggest you have a computer.
  • If there are technical issues, you can message me on Google Hangouts during the quizam: https://hangouts.google.com. ID:

The quizam is now complete. Thank you!